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world chinese entrepreneurs convention中文是什么意思

用"world chinese entrepreneurs convention"造句"world chinese entrepreneurs convention"怎么读"world chinese entrepreneurs convention" in a sentence


  • 世界华商大会


  • On the world chinese entrepreneurs convention
  • The first world chinese entrepreneurs convention ( wcec ) was held on august 10 in singapore
  • Abstract of the speech made at the fifth world chinese entrepreneurs convention held in melbourne , australia , on 9 october 1999 )
    ( 1999年10月9日在澳大利亚墨尔本第五届世界华商大会上的演讲辞摘要)
  • Legislator eric li ka - cheung toured the usa , the uk and australia between august and october 1999 . eric li paid visits to hong kong s economic and trade offices and centres for asia - pacific studies in these countries . i gave a speech at the fifth world chinese entrepreneurs convention held in melbourne , australia
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